2000 This is a scanned print. Just after the infamous y2k meltdown. 2000 This is a scanned print that I made in a wet darkroom from a film negative in 2000 #tbt #bnwphotography #bw #bw_lover #bwphotography #blackandwhitephoto #fineart_photobw #film #darkroom #darkroomprint #darkroomphotography #agfa #agfafilm #photoprint #blackandwhitenude #120film #hasselblad #blackandwhitenudemodel #shootfilm #nude #nudephotography SHARING IS CARING
Just after the infamous y2k meltdown. 2000 Just after the infamous y2k meltdown. 2000 This is a scanned print that I made in a wet darkroom from a film negative in 2000 #tbt #bnwphotography #bw #bw_lover #bwphotography #blackandwhitephoto #fineart_photobw #film #darkroom #darkroomprint #darkroomphotography #agfa #agfafilm #photoprint #blackandwhitenude #120film #hasselblad #blackandwhitenudemodel #shootfilm #nude #nudephotography SHARING IS CARING
Surprised. 2000 When I showed this image to the model, she said, “It looks like my breasts are surprised.” This is a scanned print that I made in a wet darkroom from a film negative in 2001 #tbt #bnwphotography #bw #bw_lover #bwphotography #blackandwhitephoto #fineart_photobw #film #darkroom #darkroomprint #darkroomphotography #agfa #agfafilm #photoprint #blackandwhitenude #blackandwhitenudemodel #shootfilm #nude #nudephotography SHARING IS CARING
Deb was 67. 2000 Deb was 67 when she modeled for me in 2000. It was the first time she had ever modeled nude, and it took her quite a while to actually do it once she arrived at my studio. We talked about her children who were about my age at the time, and how they might feel about their mother doing this. She later told me that they really loved the work. This is a scanned print that I made in a wet darkroom from a film negative in 2000 #tbt #bnwphotography #bw #bw_lover #bwphotography #blackandwhitephoto #fineart_photobw #film #darkroom #darkroomprint #darkroomphotography #agfa #agfafilm #photoprint #blackandwhitenude #120film #hasselblad #blackandwhitenudemodel #shootfilm #nude #nudephotography SHARING IS CARING
Classic. 2001 This is a scanned print that I made in an actual wet darkroom from a film negative in 2001#tbt #bnwphotography #bw #bw_lover #bwmasters #bwphotography #blackandwhitephoto #fineart_photobw #film #darkroom #darkroomprint #darkroomphotography #agfa #agfafilm #photoprint #blackandwhitenude #120film #hasselblad #blackandwhitenudemodel #shootfilm #nude #nudephotography SHARING IS CARING
On the couch, near the piano. On the couch, near the piano. This is a scanned print that I made in an actual wet darkroom from a film negative in 2001 #tbt #bnwphotography #bw #bw_lover #bwmasters #bwphotography #blackandwhitephoto #fineart_photobw #film #darkroom #darkroomprint #darkroomphotography #agfa #agfafilm #photoprint #blackandwhitenude #120film #hasselblad #blackandwhitenudemodel #shootfilm #nude #nudephotography SHARING IS CARING
Outdoors in Full Sun. 2000 This film image was captured outdoors in full sun. This is a scanned print that I made in an actual wet darkroom from a film negative in 2001 #tbt #bnwphotography #bw #bw_lover #bwmasters #bwphotography #blackandwhitephoto #fineart_photobw #film #darkroom #darkroomprint #darkroomphotography #agfa #agfafilm #photoprint #blackandwhitenude #120film #hasselblad #blackandwhitenudemodel #shootfilm #nude #nudephotography SHARING IS CARING
What the fuck is a block? Why do companies insist on changing things that are already working just fine? SHARING IS CARING